Beginners Timing Workshops
Participants should attend only the workshop for the software they will be using.
Split Second Workshop: Sat., Dec. 7, 2024
Vola Workshop: Date TBD. Contact Mark if interested.
Where: Cochran's Ski Area Lodge
Time: 9AM - 3PM
Cost: Free
What to Bring:
Timer & Cables
Laptop with Software Installed & Files Downloaded
Valid Software Key
Finish Eyes (optional, but helpful)
Contact Mark Jacunski with questions.

This is a hands-on ski race timing workshop for beginners. Whether you've never timed a race before or you'd just like a refresher for the upcoming season, this workshop is for you.
Topics to be covered include the setup of timers, start gate, finish eyes, and race file as well as operation of timing software. We will run through a sample race in the afternoon. If time permits, we will cover how to fill out the TDTR and other forms.
This workshop is patterned after those conducted by Dave Iverson (BMA) for many years. Dave created over six hours of videos (linked below) which cover everything the beginning timer will need to know. Participants should watch these ahead of time by clicking on the underlined links. (Review only Section 2a or 2b appropriate for you. Sections 5 and 6 are optional for everyone.)
Note: Although these videos were made almost 10 years ago, and some of the information is out of date, the vast majority is still applicable.
Basics For Beginners
Split Second NatFIS
Vola SkiAlp-Pro
Race Administrator Paperwork Stuff
Simulation of Running a Race
Fun with Numbers (Timing Report, EET) (Optional)
All Things Penalty Related (Optional)
Files to Download & Install for Workshop
We'll use these files for our sample race.
FIS Timing Report software found here. (Scroll halfway down & click Windows 8.1, 10, 11.)
1) Basics For Beginners [2:15:00]
Time-of-Day Timing (what is it?) [9:06]
Mountain Wiring (the cables that move signals around the mountain) [5:22]
Start Box (the wand at the top of the race course) [24:45]
Finish Eyes (the light-beam photocells that stop the racer's time) [19:16]
Finish Eye Polarity (a common frustration of beginners) [4:12]
Cutting Finish Posts (posts should break free if hit by a racer) [6:00]
Communications (how to talk with everybody you need to during the race) [6:14]
Hand Timing (introduction to stopwatches and how to use them) [9:54]
Timing Room Equipment (the stuff you'll be dealing with in mission control) [9:31]
Timer Computer Connectors (how to hook everything up) [3:54]
Synchronizing Timers (this is a critical skill that you will use very often) [6:01]
Scratch Sheet (old school still has it's place, scribble notes as you go) [5:52]
2a) Split Second NatFIS Software [1:40:00] (or view USS&S Presentation)
Header Tab (This is where you enter a lot of data about your race.) [9:18]
Factors Lists Tab (how to get the correct points lists into your computer) [5:07]
Adding Competitors (this is a critical skill, practice increases speed) [24:07]
Live Timing Setup (broadcast your race to the world) [8:16]
Run Data Tab Pt1 (enter forerunners, what time the race starts, weather) [7:02]
Start List (how to generate a first run start list) [4:42]
Run Data Tab Pt2 (remember to go back and enter proper gate-counts) [3:36]
DNF (how to deal with racers who do not finish) [1:04]
Swap With Finish Basic (correcting who just finished) [2:05]
Racer Passing Previous Racer (no longer legal in FIS/USSA scored races...) [1:55]
Missed DNF Problem (more advanced trouble shooting on DNF's) [3:59]
False Start (how to deal with a simple false start) [0:59]
Swap With Start (when the person who just left is not who you thought) [3:01]
Timing Log (this is a very critical piece of the software) [4:12]
Time Of Day Edit (how to manually change times) [3:59]
Timing Audit Report (a non-judgemental list of your horrible mistakes) [6:24]
Stats Button (a quick snapshot of your race: racers with times, DNF, DNS, nations) [1:37]
Software Key Tab (where to find information about the software) [1:16]
2b) Vola SkiAlp-Pro Software [1:00:00]
3) Race Administrator Paperwork Stuff [1:53:00]
USS&S Packet Overview (This has changed significantly and is now scanned and sent electronically. All races now need only four items: TD Report, TDTR, TCM Minutes & Attendance, and Jury Minutes.) [6:36]
Race Announcement Schedule (you need to create these) [4:40]
Member Lookup (determine for sure if a competitor or official is a USSA member) [9:20]
USS&S Team Captain Meeting (this is a critical piece of running a race!) [7:28]
USS&S Jury Minutes (you should generate these for every race, regardless of level) [9:32]
Referee Report (you should be doing this during the race as a courtesy to the Ref) [17:52]
USS&S TD Report (you should be doing this during the race as a courtesy to the TD) [23:08]
Accident Report (hope you don't have to, but you will...) [19:51]
4) Running a Race [0:56:00]
First Run (what it looks like on the timing screen) 25:37]
Second Run [13:51]
What you need to do after the second run (Race packet described here is out-of-date. It is now much simpler.) [9:58]
5) Fun with Numbers! [1:40:00] (Optional)
Timing Technical Report (how to find the data and fill it out properly) [49:38]
Equivalent Electronic Time (EET) (making a hand time on System B time into an equivalent System A time. How to find the data and do the procedure properly) [39:41]
6) All Things Penalty Related [2:28:00] (Optional)
Basic USS&S Penalty Calculation [27:46]
USS&S Penalty With Issues [30:30]
Basic FIS Penalty Calculation [21:05]
FIS Minimum Penalty Rules [5:07]
FIS Penaly Example from ICR [6:01]
FIS Penalty Example With Issues [24:41]
F-Factor Explained (more than you want to know, but are curious about) [18:44]